Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Burst and Coast strategy for racing

Burst at your race pace for the next shortest race distance (HM pace if running a Marathon, 5K pace if running a 10K and so on), then coast for 10 steps. Keep alternating like this until you are ready to kick at the end of the race.

The idea with the coast is to "give in" to the momentum you have built up during the burst and keep it going as much as you can with the least amount of energy. It should be about a minute to 90 seconds slower than the surges.

You can build up to this by doing fartlek workouts, yassos, alternating tempo workouts and advanced intervals (instead of the jog between intervals, just do back-to-back intervals with part a fast tempo and part at a fast pace). There is an article here on these different workouts, and on using surges during a race.

Burst steps Coasting steps
MAR 25 10
HM 66 10
10K 100 10
5K 160 10
mile 200 10

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